Cinema 4D - Glitch effect

Hey guys!
Sean Dove here and today we are going to have a look at setting up this cheeky augmented reality glitch style animation inside Cinema 4D.

I was inspired to have a go at this technique after seeing the amazing work from Eduard Mykhailov where he used after effects to create some truely impressive clips and I wanted to share my thinking of how we could use Cinema 4d to create some similar results.

The set up we are going to put together will give us so much control to iterate quickly, and the entire animation is driven by only 2 keyframes! 

We will touch on a few key points that should give you a good idea on how to attack something like this for yourself. I wanted to start this off by going over of bit of the setup of the actual graphics - then we will look at building the glitch animation before throwing in some fun camera movements to finish it off.

Also special thanks to my mate Luke for his amazing efforts putting together the sound design on this one for me - guys make sure you check him out.


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Don’t be shy, reach out - always up for a chat

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Eduard Mykhailov -
Luke Huels -
Bring photos to life tutorial -

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